Saturday, August 13, 2011

Soul Surfer

Every once in a while a movie or a story comes along that changes you.  It may be a small change, but there is the way you were before and the way you will be forever more.  Soul Surfer is one of those movies.  You know the story already, it was all over the news.  A girl from Hawaii has her arm chomped off by a shark while surfing, she goes on to not only surf again but to win national competitions in surfing.  It is one thing to hear about this amazing young woman, it is another thing to watch her story unfold before your eyes.

AnnaSophia Robb (you may recognize her from the Bridge to Terribithia movie) plays Bethany Hamilton a surfer girl from Hawaii.  Her parents are portrayed by Dennis Quaid and Helen Hunt.  Kevin Sorbo plays the father of her best friend, he was with her when the shark attack happened.  These actors were given immensely difficult roles to play, they manage to convey so many emotions and challenges without overacting.

What makes this movie so amazing is that it is a true story.  The strength of Bethany radiates off the screen.  It is s true testament to the human spirit, it is amazing what we can do when we put our minds to it.  The movie does not shy away from the spiritual side of Bethany's life.  She openly admits that her faith is what helped her stay strong, and the movie embraces that in a marvelous way.  They frequently reference the verse that says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  It is so obvious in everything that Bethany does that she truly believes that to be true.  They show her doubts and her fears as well, and I love that.  So often in films you get either characters that claim to have faith but truly lack it, or people who are so blind in their beliefs that they are unbelievable.  Finding a character with real balance is not a common occurrence.
I highly recommend this film, especially for the younger generation.  All too frequently today I hear excuses on why something can't be done, I wish that there were more people of Bethany's generation that know how persevere.  She never took an advantage over other surfers, she didn't want her disability to even be a factor in her surf competitions.  That is amazing in today's society where it seems like everyone is looking for a handout or a hand up in some way or another.  To the real Bethany Hamilton - I thank you for sharing your story with the world.  It could not have been easy to watch people take your life and put it on film for the world to see, and I so value the courage that you have shown.   

Happy Viewing!

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