Friday, August 12, 2011

On Going For a Run...

So today I did something I haven't done since elementary school.  I went running just for the hell of it.  I didn't go far, 2.05 miles.  I didn't go fast, 35 minutes total.  I didn't run the whole time, I alternated between running and walking.  I don't even think that I ran even half of the total time, but I did run.  

I mentioned in a previous post that while driving down the road rocking out to some sweet tunes, I had a mental image of myself running to those tunes.  This planted the seed.  It was a small seed, granted but it was there.  I am back in the full swing of things at work, and one thing that I was adamant about was implementing a work out in to my routine. I started with some Jillian Michaels Wii Fit, I have to be honest I didn't really like it, but the running part was kind of fun.  The next day I switched to Wii Fit Plus, I went for a "run" on that as well.  My left leg is really sore and I was thinking that it may be from running in place like that without any shoes on.  So the plan was to actually run full out the next day.  

Ah but the best laid plans of mice and women... I wanted to run with my music to pump things up, but I left my ipod at work.  Ok, back up plan - run with Pandora on my phone, but my phone had no charge.  So I decided not to go running.  Then I read an article... I will post about it later, but it pissed me off something fierce.  I thought screw that b**ch, I'll show her, I'm going running.  So I go to get my running shoes... I can only find one.  So I give up again.  But that was Old Audrey's way of doing things.  New Audrey set her mind to something, and I was going to make it happen.  I looked in one last box and found my shoe!

My plan was to follow the Couch to 5k program.  I got on the treadmill and I thought "Ok, I can actually do this."  Then my ego kicked in to gear.  I read on the Couch to 5k plan that I should go for a total of 30 minutes and run for minute periods though out.  Humph, I can do better than that.  I ran for a tenth of a mile.  Ok, I got this.  I ran for .15 miles.  Ok, I so got this.  So then I decided to run faster.  Run for 2 minutes at a time.  Run a little faster.  I guess you could say that my ego was writing checks that I am not sure my body can cash.  (Yes, I am watching Top Gun as I write this post)

I stopped sweating about halfway through.  Never a good sign.  My abdomen started really cramping at about minute 18.  I remembered that I should have brought some water with me at around minute 20.  I will definitely run again, but I am going to be smarter next time.  The C25K plan works for people cause it keeps them from going to far too fast in the beginning and then quitting cause they are hurt.  I kinds forgot that while I was going.   Music is a must, I think I am going to pace myself on songs not the clock on the treadmill.  One song running, two songs walking.  I am going to bring my water bottle with me next time.  duh.  

All in all it was a positive experience.  We will see if I can walk tomorrow.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you! I've heard good things about the couch to 5k program~ hope you have so much success with it. Be careful on those knees!
