Cobb is an extractor, someone who goes into dreams with people and takes information while there. The premise is that when you link two people together in a dream one person creates the physical space, the buildings and streets and stuff in the dream, and everyone else populates it with projections of their subconscious. Cobb and his team bring people into dreams and then steal valuable information from them. This is called extraction, the opposite of this, placing an idea in a person's subconscious, would be called inception.
So now you know basically what the movie is about. Get a team together and try to plant an idea that will stick. The movie is definitely confusing at first, you have no idea what the crap is happening. Stick with it and pay attention, I promise it will make more sense. Christopher Nolan is a gifted director and he will give you the information he wants to present not a moment before you need it. Pay attention and don't worry if you don't understand in the beginning a lot of things will be explained as you go on.
The characters were played beautifully. I am currently crushing big time on Joseph Gordon Levitt. Who knew he could play action, the little kid from Angels in the Outfield has definitely honed his acting chops. Leonardo DiCaprio has been a favorite of mine for a long long time, he had a remarkable ability to take on a character and translate emotion to the viewer. You see this best in a particularly painful memory for his character, your heart rips right out along with his. Ellen Page is feisty and determined in her role.
There were however a few things that bugged me in the movie though. The major issue for me was understanding the characters. Is it really to much to ask for people to enunciate while speaking, I mean it is you job. The worst person for this was Marion Cottilard, I know she is French but she won a freaking Oscar you would think she would know better. The only other real issue I had was a minor thing. There is a scene where they are being chased in the dream and the van is getting shot at, now they did not expect to be attacked I know, but seriously if you know its even a possibility shouldn't you dream up a bullet proof vehicle.
If you have not seen this movie, please step away from the computer and grab your keys. It is a must see. You should definitely shell out the money to see it on the big screen because it was made to surround the viewer, the effects will not envelope and entrance you as well when you rent it. Get ready for excitement, there is a scene where the gravity of the place is shifting while two people fight that may be the best fight sequence I have ever seen. If you liked the Matrix prepare to fall in love with Inception. If you thought the Matrix was over hyped and kinda dumb, prepare to thank your lucky stars that a far superior movie will now be the talk of geeks everywhere. Run, don't walk, to your nearest theater and get your ticket, you won't regret it a single dime.